The Scatterseed Project was founded by Will
Bonsall in order to preserve the genetic diversity of crops. Many varieties that used to be grown over a long period of time have been lost due to changes that have taken place in agriculture. Because of a grave concern for the future of agriculture, Will Bonsall was determined to save seeds before they disappeared. His passion and efforts have translated into thousands of seeds being saved. An abundance of the seedstock of vegetables, legumes, small grains, and tree fruits, which are able to grow in a cold Maine climate, are still able to be acquired because of Will.
Will has formed an impressive group of supporters who have rallied behind him. While he has visited several farms himself for sources of rare and endangered seeds, he also relies on the kindness of people through donations in the mail and from people who have learned about his work. He has received and distributed rare seeds in exchanges with plant breeders, other garden enthusiasts, tourists who travel to far-away places, and from people who are working in foreign countries in such fields as the Peace Corps or in mission work. When Will gathers a sufficient amount of a particular seed, so that he has a small amount to spare, he shares them with interested farmers and gardeners.
The Scatterseed Project works closely with the United States Plant Germplasm System. It obtains foreign varieties from them to distribute to others and also supplies them with seeds. Isolation methods are used to keep species pure which cross-pollinate. Clonal collections are watched for any signs of viral contamination.
Although Scatterseed might appear to be a seed company, it actually is not. Will does not have an abundant supply of all the seeds that he preserves. While a seed company might be able to supply a large quantity, the availability of seeds through Scatterseed is limited, if it is even offered. Instead of selling seeds, Will attempts to keep seeds alive. This year Scatterseed is not offering seeds anywhere.
Will used to be a curator of many types of seeds for the Seed Savers Exchange and serve on their Board. With the many changes that have transpired at the Seed Savers Exchange and the cutback in funding to seed preservationists, Will is no longer offering his seeds through Seed Savers Exchange. Will and several individuals are working to set up an alternative organization to Seed Savers’ Exchange which hopefully will be in place for the 2014 season.