Boyd Street 
Urban Farm

Name:         Boyd Street Urban Farm

Location:    Boyd Street Urban Farm

                      Kennedy Park

                      Boyd Street

                      Portland, Maine

Mailing       Cultivating Community         

Address:     52 Mayo Street

                      P.O. Box 3792

                      Portland, Maine 04104

Phone:        207-761-GROW





What Makes Boyd Street Urban Farm Unique?

Even though Boyd Street Farm is situated right

in the center of downtown Portland, when you

step in the garden, the thought of city life seems

to totally disappear.  There’s a flourishing

raspberry patch that is so tall and thick that several of the young growers literally did

disappear totally out of sight when they did

their raspberry harvesting!

Boyd Street Urban Farm is truly a source of pride for the state of Maine.  It is a friendly

welcoming place where young refugees and

immigrants work side by side to grow and distribute vegetables to low income elderly


The Youth Growers program is open to young men and women between the ages of 14 and 17.   They participate in all aspects of the growing and distribution of the produce.  In addition to learning to work with peers from all parts of the world, the Youth Growers benefit from workshops and diversity trainings.  Volunteer opportunities and field trips are offered to the participants, as well as a small stipend.

Besides the youth-run garden at the Boyd Street Urban Garden, there is a community garden where area residents can rent one of the 48 12‘x6’ garden plots.  Free beds are available for new American gardeners and residents of the East Bayside neighborhood. Cultivating Community is responsible for all of these undertakings and they are doing a stellar job in truly cultivating the communities of Portland with the Boyd Street garden project.

Mohamed Abukar is one of the farmers involved with  Cultivating Community.  He has farmed at the Cultivating Community’s garden at the Packard-Littlefield Farm in Lisbon for many years.  He keeps busy growing many vegetables for sale at the Boyd Street farmers’ market and also at farmers’ markets in Saco and South Portland. His farm-fresh vegetables are harvested for the CSA shares program.

Hats off to all those involved in the planning and implementation of the sustainable farming that takes place at the Boyd Street Urban Garden. It has become an invaluable resource for area

residents interested in growing or purchasing

healthy fresh food.  In addition to feeding the

palate, this garden project has served a multitude of other purposes.  The garden offers a sense of peace and a friendly place to socialize.  It has become an oasis for learning and cultural exchange. Fresh healthy food at Boyd Street Urban Farm has provided nourishment on many levels. The farm’s success serves as a great model for other urban areas looking to incorporate agriculture in their surroundings.  Well done, Cultivating Community!  Your work is truly inspirational.    


The CropsThe_Crops.html
The FoodGathering_the_Food.html
The FoodDistributing_the_Food.html
Garden & Farm StandCommunity_Garden.html
HOME PAGEUnique_Maine_Farms.html

M’Vita D. M’Bambi is the Youth Program Manager for the Boyd Street Urban Garden.

Anna Sommo (on right) organizes the food distribution to the elderly.

Eliza Warren-Shriner helps with

the food drop-off for the elderly

at the North School public housing


Mohamed Abukar and his daughter Isho Maalim are shown at the Boyd Street Farmers’ Market where they sell a great selection of

farm-fresh vegetables.

Samantha Levy volunteers to share nutritious recipes with visitors to the Boyd Street Farmers’ Market.  She has served kale smoothies, radish and snap pea and dill salad, and dill dip.  Matt Frongillo helps with the SNAP vouchers.

Corey Carmichael shares a laugh with the Youth Growers.

Abdimalik Maalim helps his father at the farmers’ markets.