Jorge Acero
AGCOM- Agricultural Council of Maine
Michael Alpert
Shawn Anderson
Anonymous Donor
Charlie Armstrong - University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Avena Botanicals - Deb Soule
Tasha Bahal
Bangor Daily News
Beau Chemin Preservation Farm - JoAnn and Wayne Myers
Dottie Bell - Thunder Hill Farm
Genio Bertin - Mandala Farm - Gouldsboro
Dr. Shirley Bessey - Thor-Nox Farm
Mary Betts - Snow Brook Gardens
Thomas P. Blake - New Gloucester Historical Society
Walter Boomsma - Maine State Grange
Sarah Bostick - Cultivating Community
Bouchard Family Farm
Errol Bragg - USDA Director - Marketing Services Division
Natalia Bragg - Knot II Bragg Farm
Leonard Brooks - United Society of Shakers Library, Sabbathday Lake
Sarah Brown
Michael and Jen Bryant
Jennifer Bunting - Tilbury House Publishers
Ron Burke
Shelley Burbank
Lanie Buskin
Steve Cashman - Soil Conservationist - National Resources Conservation Service
Jim Chandler
Nancy Chandler - Time and Tide Resource Conservation Development Area
Clayfield Farm - Phil Norris and Deborah Wiggs - East Blue Hill
Donna R. Coffin - University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Sue Colley - Sanford Community Adult Education
Peter Collin
Marada Cook - Crown O’ Maine Organic Cooperative
Warren Cook - Maine Network Partners
Gregorio Cruz - USDA - National Program Manager
Paula Day - Heart of Maine
Kerry DeAngelis - Reporter
Edgar and Patti Dolbec - Applegate Deer Farm
Brian Doyle
Katherine Doyle
Kevin Quinn Doyle
Molly Doyle
Rory Doyle
Dr. Frank Drummond - University of Maine
Art Dunlap - Time and Tide Resource Conservation Development Area
Barbara Edmond - Maine Philanthropy Center
Jean English - MOFGA
Jill Eyre - Farm Credit of Maine
Gretchen Faulkner -Hudson Museum - University of Maine
Leonard C. and Mildred F. Ferguson Foundation
Farm Credit Northeast Ag Enhancement
Sara Faull - Mandala Farm - Gouldsboro
Jason Fenimore - Goodall Library
Ferguson Foundation
Lionel Ferland - Time and Tide Resource Conservation Development Area
Brian Feulner - Bangor Daily News
Dale Finseth - Time and Tide Resource Conservation Development Area
Ed Flanagan - Wyman’s of Maine
John Foley
Christina Foster - Maine Philanthropy Center
Wyatt Fraas - Center for Rural Affairs - Hartington, Nebraska
Francis Small Heritage Trust
Mark Fulford - Teltane Farm
Daniel Gagner
Dr. Eric Gallandt - University of Maine at Orono
Susan Gammon - Time and Tide Resource Conservation Development Area
Jim Gerritsen - Wood Prairie Farm
Barbara Ginley - Maine Migrant Health Program
Michael Graham - Shaker Village at Sabbathday Lake
Green Alliance
Willie Sawyer Grenier - Maine Agriculture in the Classroom
Sarah Guerette - Coastal Enterprises, Inc.
Brother Arnold Hadd - United Society of Shakers, Sabbathday Lake
John Harker - USDA Department of Agriculture
Dr. David Hart - Director - Senator George J. Mitchell Center
Hill & Gully Llamas - Hilary Ware
Hilltop Boilers - Michael and Jen Bryant
Sigrid Houlette - SJVSW-CD
The Hudson Foundation
Christopher Huh - EMDC National Farmworker Jobs Program
Sigrid Houlette
Ben Hummel
Helen Husher - Northeast SARE
Dr. John Ikerd - University of Missouri
Rebecca Jacobs - Time and Tide Resource Conservation Development Area
Matthew Jacobson
Tori Jackson
Jan Joannides - Renewing the Countryside
Dr. Steven Johnson - University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Torrey Johnson
Journal Tribune
David and Torrey Joy
Kevin Kearns
Dr. Richard Kersbergen - University of Maine at Orono
Kennebunk Pecha Kucha
Gary Keough - Director - USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service
Tim Knedler - U.S. Fish & Wildlife
Dr. Mark Lapping - Edmund S. Muskie School of Public Service
Ellie Libby - Maine Cooperative Extension, Food Corps, 4-H,
National Farm to School, Healthy Lifestyles
Vina Lindley - University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Chris MacClinchy -Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission
Jeanne Maginnis - Maine Center for Creativity
Maine Agriculture in the Classroom
Maine Biz
Maine Community Foundation
Maine Harvest Festival
Maine Philanthropy Center
Maine Public Broadcasting Community Calendar
Maine State Grange
Jim Majka - Fort Kent Video and Photo
Dr. Ellen Mallory - University of Maine - Cooperative Extension - SARE
Jackie McDougal - Goodall Library
Elizabeth McMahon, Esq.
Paul Miller - Time and Tide Resource Conservation Development Area
Mother Earth News
Jim Murphy - Cheney Real Estate
Ross Nason - Time and Tide Resource Conservation Development Area
New Century Club - Alfred
New England Environmental Education Alliance
Alberta Nicholas
Bo Norris - Maine Network Partners
Northeast Agricultural Education Foundation, Inc.
Arthur Neal - USDA Agricultural Marketing Service - National Organic Program
Portland Phoenix
Sanford News
Judith Perkins - Maine Harvest Festival
John Piotti - Maine Farmland Trust
Prospect Hill Winery - Richard and Anita Carle
Julie Rabinowitz - Maine Deapartment of Labor
Dr. Nishanta Rajakaruna - College of the Atlantic
Dr. Darren Ranco
Charles Rand - United Society of Shakers Library, Sabbathday Lake
John Rebar - Maine Cooperative Extension
Sheila Richard
Linda Rowe
Bonnie Rukin - Slow Money Maine
Sanford News
Sappi Fine Paper
Anne Schlitt - Maine Humanities Council
Jeff and Carol Scott
Robert Shetterly - Americans Who Tell The Truth project
Dr. Nathan Siegert
Richard Silliboy
Slow Money Maine
Robert Smith - Farm Credit Northeast AgEnhancement
Donald Soctomah
Bill and Anna Spiller - Spiller Farm
Elizabeth Sprague
Pat Stanton
Beverly Stone - USDA Rural Development
Denise Sullivan
Andi Summers - Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project
Sunrise Farm - Phil and Jackie Doak
Colleen Teerling - Maine Department of Forestry
Collin Therrien - Land for Maine’s Future Program
Rosetta Thompson - Executive Director - Franklin County Soil & Water
Linda Titus - AgMatters LLC
Ellen Todd - Sanford News
Chelsea Torres - College of the Atlantic
Sara Trunzo - Unity College
Rex Turner - Maine Dept. of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry
Cynthia Ufkin - Wayfinder Schools
Waterboro Reporter
Lori Valigra
Carl D. Walsh
Susan Watson
Bryan Welch - Ogden Publications
Tammy Wells - Journal Tribune
Vance Wells - Time and Tide Resource Conservation Development Area
Frank Wertheim - York County Cooperative Extension
Kristen Wescott
Bill and Betty White - Ludlow
Ian Yaffe- Mano en Mano
Dr. David Yarborough - Maine Cooperative Extension
York County Farmers’ Network
York County Master Gardeners
Peter Zack