WIKH   - ash tree

LAMATQONIW  - cross grained lump of wood where a branch grows out from the tree

ANKUWAQTIHIKON  - a usable second length cut from the same ash tree

KIWTAHQENEHE -  a tree that winds in a spiral course

WOTOKEYU  - growth rings of a tree are thick

PIPUWEYU  -  growth rings of a tree are brittle

KAHKEYU  - growth rings of a tree are brittle

SKITAHQEM  -  top white growth rings that encircles the length of an ash tree

LAMAHQEM  -  inner brown growth rings that encircles the length of an ash tree

LIKPEHTIHIKE  - He strikes with heavy overlapping blows using a pounding axe

SUNAQHIKON  - a mixture of ashes and water applied on the ash tree and used as a visual

                               aid while pounding

CICIHQAPEKOMEHTUWAL - He strikes close overlapping marks on the ash tree

KOSKAPEKOMEHTUWAL -  He strikes wide overlapping marks on the ash tree

PASTAHAL  - He penetrates deeply and loosens more splints by striking heavily

PIPUWIHTAHAL  - He penetrates thinly and loosens less splints by striking lightly

WOLI KPEKSU - A good quality ash strip


LIKPESAWAKON  -  A gauge used in cutting ash splints

LIKCIHIKE  -  He is assembling the bottoms by using standards

LIKPESAWE  -  He is cutting ash splints by using a gauge to the desired width

LOSKONUWAKON  - A weaver splint

SKOMTOKHIKON  - A split stander splint used to change the course of weaving

LOSKONUWE  - He is weaving

LAKOPEHTIKON  - A binder splint

LAKOPEHTIKE  - He is securing the material that encircles the edges of the basket with a

                                binding splint.

LAHQOSTIKON  - A hoop (a small ash tree used for this purpose)

LAHQOSTIKE  - He is assembling and fitting a hoop around the inside edge of a basket

LIKONIKE  - He is splitting a small ash tree with the grain to procure hoops.

MICUWAKONINUT  - Picnic basket

NAHKAKPEHTIKIKE  - He taps the weaver downward to make the basket more snug

WIWONAQOPIT  - Two ash splints that encircle the edge of a basket (one inside - one 


CALOKOSSIHIL  - Basket handles (lit. ears)

TUWIHKUTOLAKON  -  a shaving or draw horse

LIHKUTOLIKON  -  a draw knife

PKAHKONIKON  - a crooked knife

POMUTEWEY  - Back pack

TUWIHTIKON  - A basket mold

NAHKAKPEHTIHIKON  - A short metal implement used to tap the weavers downward

LIHKUTOLE  - He is fashioning a hoop or handle using a draw horse and a draw knife

SIPOMOSAWE  - He is tapering an ash splint, a hoop, or a handle by cutting

LAKONIKE  - He is physically bending a hoop or a handle to shape

TASTUPITUN  - He binds the two parallel parts of the handle with wire to hold the

                             desired width.

NAPITTESKIL  - Two notches cut into the parallel parts of the handle and locks onto the

                               hoop when assembling.

PITOLAWON - A leather covering worn on the finger to protect it when cutting ash splints

WISAWIKP  - Yellow ash.

MOKOSEWIKP  - Black ash

AKOMAHQ  - White ash

PIYEKPESIKONOK  - Shaving waste

PIYEHKUTOLIKONOK -  Waste cuttings from a draw knife

QOCIYEYAL  - The square-bottomed ash basket

  Words for Coarse Baskets
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With the permission of Alberta Nicholas (kindly arranged by Donald Soctomah) a webpage of many of the Passamaquoddy/Maliseet words that are used to depict fancy baskets and another webpage of the Passamaquoddy/Maliseet words that are used to depict coarse baskets are included in this project.  These words were listed in the Passamaquoddy/Maliseet Reference Book that was produced by the Passamaquoddy/ Maliseeet Bilingual Program under the direction of Joseph A. Nicholas, David A. Francis, and Alberta Nicholas.

The photo of this potato or harvest basket was taken at the Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum in Littleton.

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