Peace Fleece Farm
Orphanage Riding Program
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Peter and Marty traveled to Russia in 2007 to attend the Russian-American Horse Training Workshop.  They were well aware of how horses had proven very effective in dealing with youth who were facing various challenges as they were growing up. 

Peace Fleece helped to initiate the Russian-American Horse Healing Project where children from the Pyatyorka Orphanage were given the opportunity to help groom or walk or ride a horse. 

The goal of the project is to introduce horses to children so that they have the opportunity to develop a sense of responsibility and strengthen their character and self-esteem. Horse trainers, riders, and social workers volunteered to come together to see how horses could benefit orphans.

Photos and information found on this page appear courtesy of the Peace Fleece Farm website:

Trainers at Velikoye Horse Farm south of Yaroslavl

Peter Hagerty of Peace Fleece and Russian Troika champion Andrei Korchagin

Shepherd Vera of Istra Region with her horse

Dedicated to the memory of

Pasha Potstrelov

Moscow horse trainer