Deb and I have worked together over the last 10 years. She is a great friend and a wonderful resource for us. My students from both Edible Botany and Ethnobotany (courses I teach on plant-human relations) always look forward to this visit and have always enjoyed the learning that takes place in the field with Deb. Deb is incredibly knowledgeable and is always willing to share that knowledge with others. She is a great teacher and I have learned so much from her, so have my students.

She has also introduced me to many herbalists in New England, including native American healers. Those introductions have also enhanced my teaching of courses like Edible and Ethnobotany at COA.

I have been impressed at her productivity both at the farm in and in her professional work (books, workshops, etc.). She is always willing to listen and incorporate ideas/practices she learns from travels, conversations, interactions to what she does. She is passionate about the plant world and believes strongly that if you listen to plants they will always have an answer.

               Avena Botanicals
               Reflections From
         Dr. Nishanta Rajakaruna
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A special thank you is extended to Dr. Nishanta Rajakaruna for sharing these thoughts about the work of Deb Soule when he and his students from the College of the Atlantic visited Avena Botanicals this past fall.  Thanks also to Chelsi Torres for sharing the beautiful photos.