The Farm Hands program has been in existence at Aldermere Farm for over eight years. In the summer and fall, the Farm Hands programs that are offered are six weeks in duration and they are held after school for an hour to an hour-and-a-half. The summer programs are held for eight weeks for three hours in the mid-morning.
The participants in the Farm Hands program range from twelve to eighteen years of age. They learn to halter, train, and groom the young Belted Galloway calves. The program not only benefits Aldermere Farm by providing volunteers to work with the calves and to introduce the calves to becoming accustomed to people, it teaches a sense of responsibility and provides an idea about the commitment that goes hand-in-hand with farming.
The Farm Hands have the opportunity to attend the Union Fair to watch the Aldermere Achievers 4-H participants show their Belted Galloway cattle.